A Recent Furnace Replacement
We were out in Allen, Texas, doing maintenance on a furnace and AC system that is 31 years old! Our customer wasn’t having any problems with this system. However, it’s good to replace your system as time goes on, especially as time gets to 30 years.
The average lifespan for an AC unit is about 15 years; furnaces can go about 20 years. After that, even if the units still work, you lose efficiency and risk a breakdown at any point.
Before It Gets Extremely Cold
This customer has gotten some good life out of his system. And this is the perfect time of year to replace it before the brutally cold weather hits.
Here in North Texas, we tend to not get the frigid weather until January or February, so there is still time to replace your heater before the big freezes start!
Your Next Step
If you’ve had your furnace for over 20 years, this is a fantastic time of year to call us and have us come check it out. We can do any maintenance it needs, and talk to you about your options for a new unit.
Just give us a call at (972) 423-1279.