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Tag: refrigerant
At Jaric, we are not newcomers to the HVAC business! Many of you know that my Dad is a retired AC guy.
This message is for people with HVAC systems that are 18, 19, or 20 years and older. There are a lot of you, we know.
About two months ago, a customer called us to tell us their air conditioner just wasn’t keeping up with the heat—and it wasn’t even really hot yet!
Freon doesn’t get used up like gas in your car or worn out. It just circulates.
We still get a lot of questions about R22 and Freon. People often ask us, what’s the deal with Freon being so expensive lately? What’s going on?
Many customers ask about the refrigerants that we use. They hear that things are changing because of refrigerants and that refrigerants are being outlawed because of the ozone layer.
In a nutshell, refrigerant is the chemical substance we use to cool your house. Without it, there is no cooling.