We came out to a customer’s home to service the system we installed for them in 2022. As we do for all our customers, we changed the filter and checked the amp draws and capacitor ratings. We also checked the temperature split.
Temperature Splits
If your air conditioning unit is taking in air that’s 75 degrees, we want to see it putting out air that’s 55 degrees. That’s a 20-degree temperature split. Our customer’s unit showed a 21-degree split, which is perfect! That tells us that the system’s refrigerant charge is good.
What to Know About Gauges
This is helpful because we don’t want to put a gauge on your system to check your refrigerant unless there is a problem. Every time I put a gauge on your system it exposes your system to my gauges, and my gauges to your system. Not only that, but it takes a little bit of refrigerant out every single time. This amount is minimal, but it adds up, year after year. Suddenly, you need more refrigerant even though you don’t have a leak.
The Goal of a Tune-Up
This is part of our preventative maintenance program, our service plan. Our goal is to nip any problems in the bud before they become a big issue.
What to Look For
If your system makes a 15-degree split, you probably won’t notice right now while the temperatures are cooler. But when it gets hot, when it’s 95 degrees plus humidity, the temperature in your house will stay stagnant and you will be calling us. If we can catch a low split early, we can fix it before things really heat up!
Your Next Step
If you have any underlying issues with your system and you want a tune-up, just give us a call at (972) 423-1279.